
Besides the obvious environmentally responsible impact, 以下是直接存款是获得学生退款的最佳方式的一些原因:
  1. 方便! (特别是如果你的课程是在线的和/或不在南校区上课)
  2. 更少的延迟! (消除了支票邮寄和/或排队等候的问题)
  3. 更少的担心! (支票有时会在邮寄中丢失,特别是由于地址不正确或不完整.)
  4. 不中断! (Your refund is always available to you on the published date, regardless of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstance.)
  5. Potential for Early Access! (While not a guarantee, you may have access to your refund earlier than the published date, dependent upon your bank’s policy and procedure. 无论如何, when a bank holiday occurs on a published refund date, your deposit is effective the business day prior.)
  6. 不要错过! (如果您在不知情的情况下收到退款,退款将自动存入银行.)
  1. There are two simple ways to access the form: (a) Sign in to mybg真人游戏注册 Banking Information. (b) From mybg真人游戏注册 Home, click the Banking Information tile.
  2. Click the “+ Add an Account” link.
  3. Click the slider to activate.
  4. 输入生效日期(当前日期是默认的,但可以设置为将来的日期).
  5. Click Next and enter your Bank Account Details in the form that displays.
  6. Read the Terms and Conditions and check the box to indicate you agree.
  7. 单击Submit.
  8. The bank account will show as “Not Verified”.
一般, 新输入的信息会在每周一早上进行处理,并发送到bg真人游戏注册银行进行预先通知.
  1. 这是北ark银行要求的可行性测试,根据国家自动清算所协会(NACHA)的规定是允许的.
  2. It is fully initiated the following day.
  3. A $0.00 transaction may display on your bank account’s activity. (这是一个好迹象.)
  4. The receiving financial institution, i.e., your bank or credit union, 如果账户信息有问题,是否需要在三个银行工作日内回复, again according to NACHA regulations.
  5. 在测试信息的过程开始后,银行账户将在mybg真人游戏注册上显示为“已验证”. Though uncommon, your financial institution may yet report an issue.
  6. Accounts are considered fully active if no issue has been reported during the three-day waiting period; normally, 也就是在周一之后的周五启动流程(请参见上文)。.
  7. 然而,延迟可能会发生,特别是当周一是银行假日时.
bg真人游戏注册 personnel cannot alter your banking information, so the information is deleted in the rare case an issue is reported.
  1. 您将通过您的bg真人游戏注册电子邮件帐户收到一条消息,通知您已经报告了一个问题, and that your account information has been removed from bg真人游戏注册’s system.
  2. 如果需要,电子邮件信息还将包含重新提交您的银行信息的说明.
  1. 这大约是在每个预定退款日期之前的十个日历天.
  2. 预通知程序一般在每个星期一上午开始营业时启动.
  3. Please note: This is a vast improvement over our previous system, 哪项要求在预定退款日期前三周提交银行信息.
不幸的是, 注册学生退款直接存款的唯一方法是通过mybg真人游戏注册上的网上银行信息表格.
  1. If you would like assistance, 请到学生会计处(南校区M182室).
  2. 请确保您有您的银行路由号码和您的银行账号. You will also need to know if your account type is checking or savings.
  3. 我们在办公室的内部有一个学生终端(为了保护隐私),我们很乐意以任何可能的方式为您提供帮助.
The general answer is no. 如无更改,则无须重新填写表格.
  1. 然而, if you were enrolled and signed up prior to the Fall 2020 term, banking information was not transferred from our previous system.
  2. Pro Tip: If you are unsure, check Banking Information on your mybg真人游戏注册 for your account information.
  1. You can select and deactivate your previously submitted bank account(s).
  2. You can add the new account using the same steps above.
  3. 在新帐户完全激活之前,请预留足够的时间进行预通知(见上文)。.
In short, you will need to contact the Student Accounts office. 如果您在该日期确实需要退款,则行动过程将如下:

  1. Please email Student Accounts at studentaccounts@yuushi-lab.com, 说明你的具体问题的细节,包括你的名字和学生身份证号码. Alternatively, you can visit the Student Accounts office.
  2. 然后就可以确定退款的最佳方案.
  3. 一般来说,在秋季和春季学期,退款在预定日期之前的星期五完成. If the direct deposit file has not been produced and transmitted, 您可以停用银行帐户(见上文),或者我们可以从我们的系统中删除信息.
  4. 不管, 建议您按照上述步骤尽快添加更新后的银行信息.
  5. After the prenotification process has been completed, 直接存款将再次在您的帐户上激活,作为接受学生退款的选择方法.

  1. To ensure your information is permanently removed, please email studentaccounts@yuushi-lab.com 说明您打算删除之前提交的银行信息,并包括您的姓名和学生证号码. Again, alternatively, you can visit the Student Accounts office.
  2. If this is done prior to the Friday before the refund date, a paper check will be produced for your refund, 如果有的话.
  3. Even if you miss this deadline, it is worthwhile to inform us as soon as possible, as we may still be able to accommodate the request.
  4. 也, if ever you decide again to elect to receive refunds via direct deposit, please follow the same procedure outlined above to add banking information.
Despite the precautions taken, this has been known to happen. A good course of action is to contact your bank; an internal resolution may be possible. 让学生账户随时了解最新情况是很有帮助的. 如果这是不可能的,bg真人游戏注册已经传输了直接存款文件, the following process takes place:
  1. bg真人游戏注册的银行将尝试将存款存入您的银行,也称为接收银行.
  2. The receiving bank then has up to three days to respond to that attempt (e.g., that the destination account is closed).
  3. The receiving bank will then return the funds to bg真人游戏注册’s bank.
  4. The turnaround time has historically been approximately a week, including crediting bg真人游戏注册’s bank account.
  5. After this occurs, a paper check will be produced as soon as possible.
  6. 我们将通过您的bg真人游戏注册学生电子邮件将银行报告的收据和您的纸质支票发送给您.
  7. 为您服务, 你能做的最重要的事情之一是,一旦你意识到可能发生这种情况,就通知学生账户,这样我们就会注意到潜在的回报.
是的, 需要注意的是,上述常见问题的内容不应被理解为将来学生退款的保证. Receipt of a student refund depends upon a multitude of factors including, but not limited to: hours enrolled, 开课日期, previously received student refunds, date of financial aid award(s) including direct student loans, and date of receipt of third party payments.
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